Daykon is a panelized building system that is capable of providing a completetely non-combustible load bearing building envelope. The system provides below grade, exterior and interior walls, as well as floor, roof, acoustical and retaining walls, where every panel is a load bearing shear wall. Applications include high rise, mid-rise, commercial industrial, single family, tiny house, coolers, and storage, for civilian or military use. The pre-engineered system meets all international building codes (IBC, ICC) including US and Canadian.
Four-In-One System - Each panel includes the required Structure (1), Insulation (2), Eliminates sheathing (3), Vapor Barrier and (4), providing a Four-to-One labor savings.
No Cutting Necessary - All rough openings are pre-fabricated into each panel, this means there is no cutting or reliance skilled framing labor to perform assembly, and no clean-up on the job-site.
High Energy Efficiency, R-30 to R-40
Completely stable, non-warping, low expansion/contraction
Not a food source for termites and other insects
Non bio degradable, moisture resistant, support mold or mildew
Non-combustible assembly, lowest category for smoke and flame spread
High wind and seismic resistance (Florida/Miami Dade Approval)
No off-gassing, carcinogens, pathogens, or allergens
100% Recycled
Use with any exterior cladding: stucco, siding, sheeting, brick, stone, etc.
Low sound transfer Completely thermally broken
Military housing Emergency Housing
Disaster Recovery Affordable Housing
Relocatable Modular
Pre fabricated
Off-Grid / Net Zero
Residential / Commercial
Airport Hangers
Student Housing
Anti-Ballistic / Explosion Resistant
Acoustic Walls Retaining Walls


Strength - No other building system provides the strength and capability of our panel. Build up to 8 stories without additional structure. Hurricane, fire, and seismic resistance.
Faster Construction - Reduces construction steps from 4 to 1, eliminating steps for framing, insulating, sheathing and vapor barrier. Panels are pre-engineered and manufactured in a quality-controlled environment to exact standards and delivered with door and window openings cut and ready for installation.

Simple Installation - Simple to install regardless of the labor skill level. Panels are delivered to job site numbered from the factory for a simple and fast install. Lightweight panels (as little as 45lbs) eliminate the need for lifting or cranes.
Energy Efficient - Designed for energy efficiency, delivery effective R-Value up to R-50 and reducing energy costs by up to 75%. Being non-bio-degradable material with shelf life of 350 years, with consistant thermal performance remains throughout the life of the product with no thermal drift.
Flexible Cladding - Allows for virtually any type cladding directly to the panels structural studs every 16” on center, reducing sheathing. Flexible cladding ncluding, but not limited to brick, siding, metal or stucco. Interior walls can be finished with dry wall, plaster or any other type of finish.
Fire Safety - Non-combustible assembly meets one, two, and three hour requirements. Tests have also proven that our panels give off fewer toxins. Low smoke and flame spread.
Exceeds Wind Safety Codes - Designed for up to 250 mph wind loads. Meets or exceeds Dade County Hurricane Standards, and exceeds traditional building methods against flying debris.
No Mold - Closed cell expanded polystyrene does not allow mold or mildew to develop
Environmentally Friendly - 100% recycled plant and environmentally friendly materials. Does not “off gas”. EPS (Expanded Polystyrene), CFC and HCFC free. No carcinogens, allergens, or pathogens.

Insect Deterrent - Uses steel and expanded polystyrene - neither of which are of nutritional value to wood-boring insects such as termites
Sound Attenuation - Assemblies up to 60 STC, improves sound attenuation, reducing sound conduction throughout the structure. Often used in multi-family, hotel and dormitory projects where sound reduction is a key objective.
Closed Cell - Closed cell technology eliminates moisture absorption, increases structural strength, reduces air circulation and reduces sound transfer compared to open cell.